Wednesday, September 28, 2016

6. Chapter 3: Short Answer #15


Thesis: The organ can be permanently damaged if the cells are amitotic because the cells cannot repair themselves since amitotic is a condition where the cells don't divide resulting in the organs not being able to replace any of its cells.

Evidence: Cells are unable to undergo mitosis resulting to the cells lost not being able to be replaced by division. So when the organ is damaged, there is no cell division to replace and repair it.

So What: The organ unable to heal is dangerous and can lead to very harmful matter which I think is very scary. An example of this condition would be a nerve cell, the person would become paralyzed if it cannot be healed.

5. Chapter 3: Short Answer #7

Thesis: Some of the most important cellular organelles are centrioles, cilia/flagella, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, nucleus, peroxisomes, plasma membrane, and ribosomes.

Evidence: The centrioles are self-replication organelles and they appear to help in organizing cell division. Cilia/flagella functions are to move fluid through cells. Endoplasmic reticulum manufactures, processes, and transports proteins. The golgi apparatus distributes and ships proteins. Lysosomes functions is to digest- breaking down waste. Microfilaments are an important component to the cytoskeleton. Microtubules are responsible for various types of movements. Mitochondria convert oxygen and nutrients into energy The nucleus function is to be the control center of the cell. Peroxisomes contain enzymes to carry out their functions. Plasma membrane manage the passages for in/out. And lastly the ribosomes function is to make protein.

So What: I believe that  these the main and important cellular organelles and their functions are what keeps the cells alive. They are all needed for their different roles/functions that each perform whether it is to digest, move, react, etc.

3. Chapter 1: Short Answer #6

Thesis: The outcome from loss of homeostasis or homeostasis imbalance is that the bodies important enzymes can't function properly since they can only function at a specific body temperature and many illnesses can results from loss of homeostasis.

Evidence: Homeostasis is displayed when their needs are satisfied and going effortlessly. Unable to maintain body heat can lead to heatstroke/hypothermia and not enough water can lead to dehydration. An imbalance in energy can result to diabetes and obesity. Failure to balance calcium can lead to hypercalcemia. 

So What: It is essential to maintain and balance out in order or else illnesses listed above and possibly more can arise. As we age, our organs also age becoming inefficient and less stable which I can agree with because of the diseases older people are more at risk for. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

4. Chapter 3: Short Answer #3

Thesis: Functional abilities that all cells exhibit is that they can metabolize, digest, dispose,  distribute, protect, reproduce, grow, move, and respond to stimuli. 

Evidence: With all the functions that all cells display, all cells also have a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane.

So What: In addition, the fibroblasts and erythrocytes connect the body parts while epithelial cells cover the body organs. Sperm cells are the cells for reproduction and macrophage stores the nutrients.